Friday, September 11, 2009

Isn't it funny....

Isn't it funny how we all get caught up in things we never intend to? Is it because we go into things not knowing what we want? or just an odd coincidence that we end up as enraptured as we do? The change just comes almost unbearablely fast. You have to live on your toes, and be ready for all options. 7 days ago I was a opponent of the game Farmville, and today, I have a farm, I am level 11, and I have a harvest of rice tomorrow. Things change so quickly that you really have no idea how they change. I started out the eighth grade with one intention: to survive and get to high school. One of the little road bumps along the way was a substitute I had in my advanced english course. Her name was Ms. Phillips. Everything about her demenor told me she didn't like me. 2 years later, she is my favorite teacher at Denton High School (though I have never had her), my academic decathlon coach, and one of my many friends. As a sophomore in high school, I was the mascot (Blaze the Bronco) and was honestly afraid to do anything other than stand. In my senior year of high school, I was elected Jester and stripped off my shirt to a skin tight robin suit. Life changes more quickly than one could ever expect. 1 year ago, I was hopelessly in love with a girl, but tangled up in a relationship with another that wasn't right. Today, I am loving that girl every day. Not just on my own, and not just behind her back like I was. I see her every day, and I tell her I love her. A few months ago, my dad and I were on happy terms, today, I have decided he is no longer my parent. The good news in all this change... the good news in ALL change, change here, change in the past, change in the future, is that I am ready. I am prepared to handle all things that will happen in the future, and all things that might happen. The real question is, what draws us to such things? How do we get involved in these things? I mean, I'm sure everyone has their cute story of ohhhh, you know how I met him/her whatever, but what leads us to these crazy things that we never expect? What use is it to plan your future, but you make safety nets for all the possible futures?